Photographer Interview - Carly Bish

The photographers we get to work with at Post Partner are our biggest inspiration. They’re artists and friends and we want to share their talent with everyone. Today, Jen is sharing her interview with Carly Bish, talking about all things culling.


Hey guys, Jen here!

When we decided at Post Partner that we were going to start showcasing photographers we admired, I immediately thought of Carly Bish. If you haven’t heard of her:

1. Where have you been? and

2. Check out her website!

I first came across Carly Bish years ago. Hey style is beautiful, but I was more captivated by the way her images always seemed to evoke some sort of emotion from me. I specifically remember seeing one image that brought me to tears. I get that way with pure joy. However, it wasn’t until I started working at Post Partner last year, and was given the chance to work alongside Carly that my girl crush really developed. I’ve seen lots of weddings.

Like lots!

But as I scrolled through the images of this one particular wedding, I thought, "I have never seen a story like this before". I felt as though I had been a part of the day; I smiled when they smiled, I cried when they cried. She didn’t just capture those perfect Instagram moments, although she had plenty of those too! Carly seemed to notice every moment. She saw the subtle smiles of the guests as they watched a love story unfold before them; the groom winking at his bride from across the room, and the parents tearful joy as they watch the minister marry off their daughter. I learned very quickly that this wasn’t just a one off, but something very consistent to Carly as a photographer.Carly started out as a photojournalist and I think that’s what gives her this edge. But, I’ll let you decide as you learn more about my fave, Carly Bish!

Q: When you cull your images, what’s the most important thing?

CB: “As a photojournalist, my main priority has always been moments. Moments that capture genuine emotion and propel a story forward. As a portrait photographer, I focus on chemistry movement and setting. As the bulk of my work is weddings, I think the most important thing when culling my images is a combination of those moments, big and small, and the chemistry you feel from the people in the images themselves.”

Q: What about if images aren’t in focus?

CB: “I’m a sucker for a soft focus image. If it’s a good moment, there’s palpable chemistry, or if it makes you, as an artist, feel something? Then I say it stays in! As a photographer who likes that shallow depth-of-field and shoots between f1.4 - f2.2 most of the day, I’m constantly trying to keep up with what’s happening in front of me, so I can’t count on every photo to be perfectly in focus. But that doesn’t mean the focused images are the only good images. Sharpness doesn’t determine a good photo.”

Carly Bish - example-1024x681.jpg

Side note: When I was first working with Carly and learning her culling style, she sent me the image below as an example of an out of focus image. But, because of how much raw emotion was portrayed, it could stand on it’s own. and those were the images she looked for.

Q: How do you tell a story through the images you choose?

CB: “I think stories get told through the “in between” moments… The pouring of the champagne, the tearful hug from mom, the sideways glances during the vows… And “in betweens” lead to big moments that feel like mile markers: the first look, the pronouncement kiss, the first dance. But most weddings have these highly identifiable big moments, so it’s the “in betweens” that set the tone and give each wedding it’s unique look and feel. So when I choose photos to tell a story, I’m looking for the best “in between” moments that define a couple’s wedding day as special as them.”

Q: If you had to give advice to photographers on how to cull their images, what would it be?

CB: “Quality over quantity! If you deliver 10 fluff images for every one awesome image, I can guarantee the punch that awesome image will have on your client will lose it’s power. It’s important that if you leave a photo in, it’s moving the story forward. Your client doesn’t need 18 photos of her mascara being applied. Instead, she might enjoy two, three max. Having a scrutinizing eye is incredibly important. You don’t want to overwhelm your clients with thousands of images that take them day to look through. Deliver a manageable number they can appreciate and the quality of the imagery can shine.”


Carly, you’re the best! I’m so excited to see what you continue to create!


Photographer Interview - Marianne Chua


How To: Best Practices for Culling in Lightroom